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55th Annual National Conference 1996

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Report on Conferernce held at the Winter Gardens, Weston Super Mare 27th - 28th April 1996

Saturday Afternoon

Sandra welcomed everyone to the 55th ANC Conference opened by Sue Haysom, Chairman of North Somerset District Council. She was interested in the TAG Real Ale Trip.

Ian Grey seemed to be mislaid so Colin Greatorex escorted the VIP's out.

John Dodd's 13th ANC and he's unlucky enough to preside at it! During his speech John remembered his first event the Central Area Nude Camping Weekend. John reminisced about the days when we had 7000 members and the membership fee was £4. John congratulated the 28 groups who have increased their membership and to South Essex Area who increased by 12%.

Tellers were elected and the voting strength was established as 117. Ballot paper counters were elected.

Apologies for absence were received from 15 Groups and Joy Carter.

There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last Conference.

The minutes were accepted nem com.

Jo Shaw the Central Area Chairman, explained the reasons why, after investigation, that the NEC decided not to go ahead with National advertising as per last years motion. It was felt that to asks Groups for money for what would be expensive adverts on top of other costs (affiliation fees etc.) would greatly affect their finances. Choosing one publication to reach the right people would be difficult. Any enquiries received would have to be dealt with and information sent out which would cost time and money.

Francis Wallington asked a written question on the Annual Report.

The Annual report was carried nem com.

The Federations accounts for 1995 were discussed. The overspend on photocopying was queried. This was due to the contract on the photocopier and less income from photocopying services. There was also a query about the income from Mid West Area sales of T shirts etc. The accounts were carried nem com.

The report of the accountants was accepted unanimously.

Sandra reminded every one about debating etiquette.

The voting strength was re-established at 119.

Motion 14.1 about a nationwide recruitment campaign was proposed by Colin Rumford, Chiltern Area Chairman, on behalf of the NEC. He pointed out that it's down to the Groups to attract and keep members, but National and Area would help train and co-ordinate the Groups.

The motion was to be voted on in two parts - whether to do it and whether to do it in January and September or not.

The vote on whether to hold the campaign was accepted nem con (1 abstention) and then the vote on to whether to hold it in January and September was carried unanimously.

Motion 14.2 about Corporation Tax returns proposed by Wayne Fenton, North west Area Chairman, on behalf of the NEC.

This motion had been proposed due to the changes in Corporation Tax rules which deem that all Groups and areas now have to complete a Corporation Tax return for interest earned on bank accounts. The vote was carried unanimously.

The voting strength was re-established at 121

Motion 14.3 was about putting a surcharge of £5 on all new memberships and renewals, proposed by High Wycombe and seconded by Acton. They wanted National publicity to get new members and make 18 Plus a household name. Andy Bond, South Essex Area Chairman, spoke against the motion on behalf of the NEC. He said that we have voted for a nationwide campaign in motion 14.1 so use this and investigate what we can get for free in our area. This motion encouraged people to get up and speak - mostly against. A move to the vote proposed and carried. A vote on the motion was lost - 92 against, 21 for. The National Chairman thanked members for the hard work put in anyway.

Motion 14.4 was about raising the age limit from 30 to 36. This was proposed Reading and seconded Whitefield. They felt we can't attract younger members but could go for older ones. Judy Horsbburgh, Yorkshire area Chairman, spoke against the motion on behalf of the NEC. There was a lot of discussion which was fairly balanced for and against. There was a straw poll of who is going to be 30 this year or next. John Dodds put his hand up!

There was a move to the vote. The vote was lost as although there was a 56% majority 75% was required to pass the motion.

Election of National Chairman

The National Chairman Sandra Bradshaw gave her nomination speech stating that she joined Spalding Group at 19 and two years later moved to Peterborough where she was Secretary, Treasurer and Group Chairman. She spent four years on Area including two as Training Officer when she was presented the National Trophy. She spent two years as Area Chairman, the second year cut short to become National Chairman which she has now been for a year and a bit. She intends to make sure Areas continue to plan and to keep communication going. At this stage in her speech Sandra was given the red light !

At 7.30pm everyone met in the bar all dressed up to the nines and an evening of eating, drinking and making merry followed. Prizes for best dressed man and woman were won by Michelle Wright and Lawrence Huxley, judged by Linda Street and John Dodds Vice Presidents. 

Sunday Morning

The voting strength was established as 114.

Motion 14.5 was about letting associate members renew when they've lapsed for more than six months. The proposing group didn't want to lose experienced associates.

The vote was 64 against, 50 for (44%) so the motion was lost.

Facility For National Debate

The national debating session opened with Ian Grey the '96 ANC Chairman speaking on the future of the ANC. He said that twenty years ago the NEC were better dressed and more polite !

About ten years ago Areas tendered for the ANC - they tended to alternate between seaside towns and universities. Then it was moved to the Birmingham Metropole from 1988-91, then to Butlins and last year to Southport. The ANC is not so well attended now . The National Chairman has kittens around the bookings closing date ensuring that the Conference is quorate.

Ballot papers were collected for election of National Chairman

Facility for National Debate continued:

Terry Drake on behalf of Mid West Area asked for guidance and discussion on allowing children to 18 Plus events. Mid West Area now state that no one under 18 years is allowed to their dances. Wayne Fenton (TAG Chairman) said that children would not be allowed at TAG this year. Some discussion took place including those with children and it was generally felt that it was up to the event organiser.

Terry Dixon felt that the NEC shouldn't debate motions beforehand without hearing the arguments. The NEC are elected by their Group members and trusted to discuss things fairly and thoroughly. Terry also spoke about the need for training and some method of head hunting and promotion within the Federation. Karen Grey replied about the Award Scheme, which means if people spend time on Group or Area committees they can get an award to show what they have achieved. Group members should be encouraged to join their committee and the outgoing committee could move on to Area. 

Sunday Afternoon

Presentation by Nicholson House Officer

Vaughan showed a video of Nicholson House and the surrounding attractions. He wants to encourage group bookings.

Presentation by Rebecca White Training Officer

Rebecca wants to encourage more people to go to ART and Kickstart. She spoke about careeer developments in18 Plus. Area training is patchy - some Areas are very good, some bad and some don't do any at all. Members should all demand training from Areas and Area training days should be sold as good, valuable events.

Keith Marsh spoke to promote the Self-development Weekends.

National Chairman's Address

Sandra thanked members for their hard work carried out in bringing motions to the ANC. She asked that motions were not recycled every few years - new issues for debate need to be found.

If people enjoyed the ANC, go back and tell the rest of your Group.

Sandra asked for invitations to events and she will attend as many as possible.

Presentation of Trophies

The Presidents Trophy (Best Group) - Havering 18 Plus
Cobb Dual Purpose 2 pint Jug Mug (Best Area) - South Essex Area
National Recruitment Trophy - Acton 18 Plus
Programme Trophy - Redbridge 18 Plus
Community Services Trophy - Malvern 18 Plus
Best New Group - Cardiff 18 Plus
Development Certificate - Severn Area
Treasurers Trophy - Sally Yerby Anglia Area Treasurer
Charities Trophy - Redbridge 18 Plus
Norbury Trophy (Best Magazine) - Grapevine
Gold Trail Trophy - Medway 18 Plus
The Charles Padgham Training Trophy - Mid West Area
Self Development Course Certificates - Jon Black, Fiona McNulty, Donna Ford and Kate Marsh
Award Scheme Certificates - Sharon Cassidy and Rebecca Donnelly
National Chairman's Merit Awards - Ray Large & Andy White

Presidential Address by John Dodds

The fall in membership was brought home to him when he read the latest statistics. Anglia Area has 10 less than Leiester group had when he first joined. Also, TAG last year had a smaller attendance than North West Area dances used to have.

We need to address the fall in membership. There was a motion to surcharge members and raise money for national advertising. Even without this, 28% of Groups raised their membership numbers last year.

Our Diamond Jubilee will happen in 2001. If we're serious about keeping the Federation going until then and beyond, hen we should start talking to your Groups now about it. We should set membership targets for the next 5 years so at the ANC in 2001 we are a growing and expanding Federation.

The National Chairman closed the conference by thanking everyone for attending and wished everyone a safe journey home. 

ANC Committee

Chairman - Ian Grey
Booking Officer - Karen Grey
Publicity - Sandra Bradshaw
Finance - Carolyn Edwards
Exhibits & Entertainments - Vaughan Wonnacott 


 Last updated 22 February 2007 by